The Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations of the Punjab State Institute of Sports do not specify the details of the services conditions of the employees of the Institute. The Governing Council of the Institute in its meeting held on 16/02/2015 deliberating on the manpower requirements decided to outsource the staff through the service provider approved by the office of Director Sports Punjab. It is thus, not necessary to formulate its own conditions of service. The incumbents so appointed on different posts shall be governed by the service conditions of the service provider or on terms & conditions set forth by the Institute by way of Agreement with any employee. Conduct / Discipline and all other conditions of service shall be regulated by the Rules contained in the Punjab Civil Service Rules for all intends and purposes.
1) Modes of appointments:
1. The Institute may by agreement with any employee, make such special provisions regarding his condition of service as it considers necessary.
2. Through Service Provider.
3. By Transfer/Deputation.
2) Appointing Authority
Appointment to a post under the Institute shall be made:
i) in the case of Posts in Group A, by the Director General on the recommendation of the Selection/Screening / Search committee.
ii) in case of posts in Group B to D by the Director General/ Director (Administration), as the case may be.
3) Grades and Categories of Posts
The post under the Institute shall be divided into four groups specified below:-
Group-A includes posts of Directors, Sr. Coaches, Exercise Physiologist.
Group-B includes posts of Superintendent (Admin.), Dietician, Coaches, Physical Trainers etc.
Group-C includes posts of staff car driver, restorer, clerk, Steno typist, Data Entry operator, Assistants, Stenographers and Personal Assistant, Warden, Assistant Warden etc.
Group-D includes posts of peon, Mali, Chowkidars, Sweeper, Room Bearer, Waiter, Messenger, Cook etc.