Rules and Regulations
1. Name :- The name of the Society shall be “Punjab State Institute of Sports (PIS).
2. HEADQUARTERS :-The registered office of the Punjab State Institute of Sports shall be situated at Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar (SAS Nagar) or as may be decided by the society.
3. JURISDICTION :- The Jurisdiction of the said Institute shall extend over the entire State of Punjab.
4. DEFINITIONS :- In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires.
a) “Institute” means the Punjab State Institute of Sports.
b) “Education Institutions” shall include Universities, Colleges, Schools, Polytechnics and all Institutions where any scientific, technical or art instructions are imparted, whether run by Government or otherwise.
c) “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee to be Institute to look after the Administrative of the Institute.
d) “Government” means the Government of Punjab.
e) “Member” means the Members of the Society.
f) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Society, appointed as such by the Society.
g) “Sports and Games” shall include all the sports and games included in Olympics, Asian Games, Commonwealth Games, traditional games of the State and priority games as mentioned in the State Sports Policy from time to time.
h) “Sports and Games Associations” means a duly constituted Association of the State of Punjab which is recognized by the Punjab Olympic Association and has bye-laws approved by its General Body and registered under the Punjab Societies Registration Act, 1860.
i) “State” means the State of Punjab.
j) “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Punjab State Institute of Sports.
k) “Vice Chairman” means the Vice Chairman of the Punjab State Institute of Sports.
l) “Year” means the financial year ending 31st March.
The Punjab State Institute of Sports shall consist of the following members, namely:
1) Chief Minister, Punjab – Chairman
2) Deputy Chief Minister / Sports Minister, Punjab – Vice Chairman
3) Finance Minister, Punjab – Member
4) Education Minister, Punjab – Member
5) Secretary, Sports & Youth Services, Punjab – Member
6) President, Punjab Olympic Association – Member
7) Director General Police – Member
8) Two eminent Sportspersons to be nominated – Member
by the Government
9) Director Sports, Punjab – Member
10) DPI Colleges – Member
11) DPI Schools – Member
12-15) 3 Members of the Punjab Legislative Assembly, – Member
One amongst them shall be a woman member
(to be nominated by the Government for a period
of 2 years or their ceasing to be the members of
Punjab Legislative Assembly whichever is earlier)
16) Director General – Secretary
Punjab State Institute of Sports
a) The nominated members of the Governing Board of the Institute shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of nomination and will be eligible for re-nomination.
b) The membership of the Institute shall automatically stand terminated, on the happening of any of the following events, namely :
(i) on expiry of the period of membership in respect of nominated members :
(ii) death and
(iii) when a member himself declines to serve the Governing Body of the Institute or his employer refuses to grant him permission to serve the Institute
c) Any member / office bearer of the Governing Body of the Institute may resign from the membership of the Institute by giving a notice to that effect and his resignation shall be effective from the date of its acceptance by the President.
d) The Governing Body of the Institute shall have a right to remove a member other than the president and Sr. Vice- President, if the member :
(i) remains absent during three consecutive meetings of the Governing Body or the Executive Committee without proper leave of absence from the Chairman.
(ii) becomes insane or suffers from contagious disease or becomes insolvent or is indicted for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude
(iii) does not comply with bye-laws of the Institute in the capacity of a member of the Institute.
e) The Chairman of the Governing Body may at any time terminate the membership of, or remove, any member from the Governing Body or Executive Committee.
f) A vacancy in the office of the nominated member of the Institute occurring otherwise than by efflux of time shall be filled by nomination and the person so nominated to fill such vacancy shall hold office only for the unexpired portion of the term.
g) The Governing Body and Executive Committee of the Institute shall function notwithstanding any vacancy in its body and no act, direction or proceeding of the Institute shall be invalid merely by reason of such vacancy or any defect in the appointment of any of its members or in the constitution of that Institute.
(a) The Institute shall maintain a roll of members indicating their full names, addresses and occupation and every member shall sign the same. If a member of the Institute changes his address, he shall notify his new address to the Secretary of the Institute, who shall have the entry in the roll of members changed accordingly. Where however, a member does not notify any change of address to the Secretary of the Governing Body or Executive Committee, his address as given in the roll of members, shall be deemed to be his correct address.
(b) A notice or any other information may be served upon a member either personally or by sending it through post in envelope/addressed to such member at his address as noted in the roll of members.
(a) The Annual General Meetings of the Institute shall be held on such date, time and place as may be determined by the President to transact the following business: –
(i) Consideration of the Annual Report of the Institute,
(ii) Consideration of the Annual Accounts of the Institute together with the audited report thereon; and
(iii) Other business in the agenda.
b) The Chairman of the Governing Body may convene a Special Meeting of the Institute, whenever he thinks fit. Two third members of the Governing Body may also given a notice to convene the Special Meeting of the Institute and when such notice is given the Secretary shall convene the meeting
c) At all Special General Meetings, no subject other than that stated in the notice given by the Secretary or in the requisition made by members, as the case may be shall be discussed except when specially authorized by the Chairman.
d) Any requisition so made by the Members of the Institute shall express the object of the meeting proposed to be called and shall be left at the address of the Secretary.
e) All meetings of the Institute shall be called by notice in writing by and under the hand of the Secretary.
f) Every notice calling a meeting of the Institute shall state the date, time and place of the meeting and shall be served upon every member of the Institute not less than ten clear days before the day appointed for the meeting.
g) Any inadvertent omission to give notice to or the non-receipt or late receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting.
h) The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Institute. In his absence, the Vice-Chairman shall preside over the meetings of the Institute.
(i) One-third of the total members of the Institute present in person shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Institute.
(j) Each member of the body shall have one vote. Proposal or subjects presented for consideration by the body shall be deemed to have been passed, if a majority of the members present at the meeting vote in their favour and if the votes are equally divided, the Chairman of the meeting shall exercise his casting vote.
(k) All disputed questions at the meeting shall be determined by vote of the members present and voting.
(l) No resolution of the Institute shall be modified or cancelled within three months after the passing thereof except at a meeting, specially convened in that behalf and by a resolution of the Institute of the Institute supported by not less than one-half of the sanctioned number of members.
a) The following are the officers and bodies of the Institute:
(i) Chairman
(ii) Vice Chairman
(iii) Executive Committee
(iv) Secretary
(v) Such other bodies / committees as may be constituted or appointed by the Government or the Institute, who shall have the powers and functions as may be determined by the Government or the Institute, as the case may be
b) The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute.
c) The Institute shall have subject to such restrictions as the Government may impose and subject to such guidelines as the Government may issue from time to time in this behalf, fully competent to perform all acts and issue such direction(s) to officers and bodies subordinate to it as may be considered necessary incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects enunciated in the Memorandum of Association of the Institute.
d) The Institute or the officers and bodies competent under these bye-laws to make appointments, shall appoint from time to time the officers and members of the staff of the Institute as may be required to assist the Secretary and / or officers subordinate to him for carrying out the objects set forth in the memorandum of Association of the Institute.
e) The Governing Body shall review its progress and performance in its meeting, at least once in a year and give such policy directions as it deems fit to the Executive Committee.
a) The Chairman shall exercise such powers for the conduct of the business of the Institute as provided in these bye-laws or as may be vested in him by the Institute from time to time.
b) Without prejudice to the generality of Clause above the Chairman shall have powers to:
i. call for any information, document and data pertaining to the Institute;
ii. review the work and progress of the Institute;
iii. issue such directions or instructions to any of the officers and bodies of the Institute as he deems appropriate in the interest of the Institute;
iv. appoint committees or commissions to enquire into and report on the affairs of the Institute and pass such orders thereon, as he considers proper; and
v. direct convening the meeting of the Institute for any purpose at any time on proper notice.
c) The Chairman may in writing delegate such of his powers as he may consider necessary to the Vice-Chairman of the Institute.
a) The Vice Chairman shall exercise the powers which may specifically be delegated to him by the Chairman. He may in writing, delegate such of their powers as he may consider necessary to the Secretary or to the officers and bodies of the Institute.
a) The Secretary shall exercise all administrative and financial powers as have been conferred on him under these bye-laws, and such of the powers as may be delegated to him from time to time.
b) Subject to any order that may be passed by the Government, the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, decisions of the Executive Committee, the Secretary / Chief Executive Officer of the Institute, shall be responsible for:
(i) the proper administration of the affairs and funds of the Institute;
(ii) prescribing the duties of all employees;
(iii) exercising supervision and disciplinary control over the work and conduct of all employees;
(iv) co-ordinating and exercising general supervision over all the activities;
(v) executing all contracts, deeds and other instruments on behalf of the Institute, if so authorised by the Executive Committee.
(vi) incur expenditure subject to budgetary provisions or as delegated to him by Executive Committee.
(vii) may select and appoint such employees belonging to B, C and D groups;
(viii) exercise full powers to transfer the officers and employees from one Unite to the other Unite of the Institute on administrative grounds;
ix) release grants to the Centre of Sports Excellence on the basis of norms prescribed.
c) The Secretary may, in writing, delegate such of his powers as may be considered necessary to any other officer or officers below him in rank, in the Institute.
d) The Secretary shall be considered the Executive Secretary of the Institute.
e) The secretary shall function under the directions of the Governing Board, the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.
f) The Secretary shall be responsible for issuing notices of the meetings of the Institute and its Executive Committee and keeping or causing to be kept minutes of the proceedings of the Institute and the Executive Committee.
g) The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept all records of the Institute at its office or any other place, if so determined by the Executive Committee.